The NANO Medical Education Acadamy, with a world-class workshop laboratory and fully digitized seminar rooms, provides a perfect environment to discuss and deepen current knee and shoulder surgery topics.


All courses always take place in a lively, collegial and family atmosphere. The large number of positive assessments from our course participants encourages us to further intensify our chosen path.


All courses are conducted independently by our industrial partners. This independence is very important to us.


Be inspired by our team.

All courses are conducted indepen-dently of our industrial partners. This independence is very important to us.

Operations Are Teamwork - For the best results to be achieved in an acceptable time, the doctor and assistant must be able to rely on each other blindly. Unfortunately, there is a lack of time in daily practice to optimally train and coordinate one's own employees.


For this requirement, we offer you the opportunity to book our Academy for you and your team. Talk to us.


We individualize the courses according to your specifications and help you to develop the skills of your employees and prepare them perfectly for your needs in your own operating room.


Because a good team is faster, safer and has fun at work.

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Nano Medical Acadamy

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